Thursday, March 10, 2016

Essie Resort 2016| Review & Swatches

I have been so busy with leaving stuff ready at work and getting things done at home before my baby girl arrives in a few weeks. Did I mentioned before that I am expecting? :-)
Nine weeks left! Yay!

Due to my crazy time my nail time has been crazy. Today I have a quick and good review for Essie's Resort 2016 collection.

Let's say now that I loved the formula of these. Application was smooth. Although the colors didn't WOW me at all. I just feel like I have seen these colors from Essie before.

First is Delhi Dance, a beautiful silky pink. Two coats.

Going Guru, the name sake of this collection, is a favorite of mine. A minty lime so delicious to look at. Three thin coats.

Nama-Stay the Night, this blue will for sure awaken that longing for spring and summer. Two coats.

And last but not least gorgeous is Taj-Ma-Haul, as described by Essie, a spicy marigold apricot. Two coats.

I think this is the shortest post I have ever done. Aside from the choice of colors, I don't have anything negative to add.

Which color do you like the most?

Until next Post,


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