Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Zoya Mystery Box 2015 |What's Inside


Today I have a mini-review of what I received on this year's Mystery box from Zoya.

The basics: Every year (around the holidays) Zoya sells a bag or box for a great price. Last year's bag was $15, this year's box was $20 and always with free shipping.
What you get: Products worth up to $70...Pretty good right?

To make everything even better you get a coupon on your account's promo codes tab. This year it was 50% off any purchase of $50 plus free shipping.

This is what my box had inside:
Rounding it up The total value of this box was $73! So I definetly got my money back ;-)
Totally worth waiting a year for this kind of mystery.
Did you or will you get one?
Until next post,

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