Thursday, November 29, 2018

Bumble and Bumble Hairdresser's Invisible Oil | Review

Happy Thursday!

This week has been hard! I had last week off and went to NY to visit family and spend Thanksgiving with them, I wish I could say that I rested but when you have a two year old its HARD!

When I take care of my skin, nails or hair it really does help my attitude and makes me feel so much better.

I tried two small samples of BB Hairdresser's invisible oil (shampoo and conditioner) and I tell you, after ONE used I was hooked and had to buy the full size. The best thing? its parabens, sulfates and phthalates free.

My hair is very dry, frizzy, color treated and have a lot of it so its important to me to keep it under control at all times. Especially without weighting down with unnecessary products.

Let's keep it short since is way too many products :-)

Shampoo: is great! Doesn't strip down my hair, it feels smooth, soft and most importantly doesn't make my hair tangled itself more and more as I wash. I repeat two or three times to get full lather. The amount I used is the size of a nickel or quarter, depends when was the last time I washed my hair. My hair requires a lot of work for me to wash it more than two times a week which is why I normally wash my hair every Saturday.

Conditioner: I use more than a quarter size amount. I rinse very well as it can weight down a little bit my hair. Once I detangle my hair is when I notice how much of a difference is already making on my hair.

Primer: now, this stuff has to be handled CAREFULLY! I sprayed too much the first time and didn't like how it made my hair look. Dull, weighted down and not shiny. Now the second time I was more careful and it made a difference.

Oil: I had already tried the Invisible Oil but honestly found it very expensive to buy a small size for $22 or a full for $40! I only use it to manage fly aways and for my ends whenever necessary.

I would not be a good Dominican if I didn't do my rollers to minimize the use of heat on my hair. Good thing the primer also protects against heat.  I learned very young how to blow dry or do my own rollers (thanks to my mother) so, unless I want a drastic color change or a professional haircut I do everything else myself. It saves money as well :-)

Very pleased with this purchase. Although $133 for all of these at regular price it is expensive for me.  Thank you Sephora for the 20% off you recently provided thats how I was able to purchase all of these plus I had a gift card :-)
I would still keep purchasing since is very much worth it to me.

Have you tried these before?

Until next post.

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