Friday, November 29, 2013

Zoya's Matte Velvet

Good evening,

It was a nice Thanksgiving evening, I truly enjoyed myself with my husband's family and friends.

Hope that yours was great and that you had those you love close to you.

A couple of days ago I received my order of all new Re-release of Zoya's Matte velvet polishes and do I LOVE them.

I really need to improve my photos but these are pretty close and as good as I could get. Imagine holding your hand up, and with your only free hand, trying to hold the camera, which by the way is pretty heavy to hold with one hand. Image

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

On the Road

Happy Friday!
I am on my way to NY to visit my family, and just today I will be receiving new nail polishes from Zoya. They have released again their matte nail polishes and I won't be home to receive them! Buaaah!

I have also received, well it's in my mailbox until my husband picks them up later today, new polishes from indies: Glam polish and Picture Polish! Yay! I have been dying to get my hands on them, but I have to learn to control myself especially now during the holidays. I hope to post about these next week.

In the meantime I wanted to post my latest manicure.
This is Dream by Zoya, from their Zenith Winter Collection. I have fell head over heels in love with this. My Zoya collection is just getting bigger every month. Yikes! I feel sorry for my wallet.

I have mapped down some great stores that I want to visit and hope to find some great polishes or anything related. ☺️

Have a great weekend!
