Friday, June 9, 2017

Clarisonic Sonic Foundation Brush | Review

Press Sample/Gift from Clarisonic

Happy Friday!

Today I have the new Sonic Foundation makeup brush by Clarisonic.
This brush is compatible with all Clarisonic cleansing devices, so that it’s a good thing so far.

The Clarisonic Makeup brush utilizes patented technology to generate more than 18,000 micro-blends per minute. It guarantees a full coverage foundation look in 60 seconds or less…I’ll go over that last sentence at the end of the post.

I always use the Clarisonic device to cleanse my face before makeup (pores brush), it helps with application and the skin is at its best.

I first tried to blend a stick foundation from Makeup Forever and I honestly hated the blending and it clearly took me more than 60 seconds to blend.
As you can see it does look cakey and not good at all.

The next day I tried with the same brand of foundation but the liquid version and this time it was so much better and still not 60 seconds for me. 

It is tricky to try to accomplish a sixty second application, not necessary but helpful to save time in applying makeup. It honestly took me about 2 minutes the first few times I used it and I am now close to sixty seconds application.

I have acne scars and large pores and I am never successful in making it look smooth with primer. There is no need to explain but I refuse to use smoothing filters on my photos but this is how my skin looks after foundation application.

I rarely use cream bronzer but did so to test that step. It was good and made me want to use cream bronzer more frequently. 

As for concealer, I didn’t even bother using the brush because my eyes are a little sensitive and didn’t want to risk it. That’s as far as I go with foundation and bronzer J

I have used the brush maybe six or seven times and each time it gets better. I did use a beauty sponge to blend a little around my nose and mouth to make it more “natural” looking.

As a cleaning device, I love Clarisonic and I have so for the past four years.

What do you think of this? Would you try?

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